Some false Spring growth that held on, cosseted by a Bramble, during the artic blast. 18 Dec Written By Grahame Mayo Following our unusually warm November these Hawthorne leaves must have sprouted and then been protected by a large Bramble thicket during the harsh arctic blast that followed in December. The Hawthorn tree previously in the center of the Bramble thicket. Bramble thicket before being cut back to expose the sprouting Hawthorn. Grahame Mayo
Some false Spring growth that held on, cosseted by a Bramble, during the artic blast. 18 Dec Written By Grahame Mayo Following our unusually warm November these Hawthorne leaves must have sprouted and then been protected by a large Bramble thicket during the harsh arctic blast that followed in December. The Hawthorn tree previously in the center of the Bramble thicket. Bramble thicket before being cut back to expose the sprouting Hawthorn. Grahame Mayo